New Year Flow

New Year Flow

New Year Flow….

A warm welcome to 2023 and wishing you all a year full of calm and happiness and possibilities.

How are you mindfully moving into 2023?

We’re all about Connection and Simplicity here at Inner Calm with Jane so, we have flowed into the New Year allowing ourselves the time to find and feel what our mind and body needs. Often December is a time full of lots of demands and often our self care and time for ourselves takes a back seat. Instead of jumping straight into the 1st January setting new goals or putting more pressure on, we like to take a step back and bring in some time for ourselves again, Noticing where we need to pay attention too.

We like to think about our intentions for the year and choose a word that we would like to build our choices and habits around. Then look to find simple ways to support us getting to our bigger dreams and aspirations,

Sometimes you have to connect inwards to find what you are looking for
— Jane - Inner Calm with Jane

Think about how you can mindfully move into the rest of 2023.

Are you finding it difficult to stick to new habits or goals you may have set for yourself? Or maybe you are enjoying the process so far.

If you are struggling remember that all we really have is this PRESENT MOMENT, so do not be hard on yourself if you have had a set back or a bad day. Just PAUSE, BREATHE, CONNECT INWARDS and allow yourself to start again.

Calm Vibes

Inner Calm with Jane will be bringing you some new videos from this February. We will be chatting about connection, wellness, mindfulness and sharing simple tips to support you through this year.

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts
— Thick Nhat Hanh

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Wishing you all Calm Vibes,

Inner Calm with Jane x